2013年11月10日 星期日

光明會 錫安長老會 聖羅馬帝國和NWO 及森遜密碼驗證: 在一個空心月亮上的月光?

光明會 錫安長老會 聖羅馬帝國和NWO 及森遜密碼驗證: 在一個空心月亮上的月光?:

Monday, February 14, 2011

If the music behind the moon gave you the creeps, I don't blame you - but, I doubt it would have been the single reason for NASA not returning to the moon in over 40 years. After all, 12 men actually walked on it's surface following that.
如果月亮背後的音樂令你毛骨悚然,我不怪你 - 但我懷疑它會已是給美國航空航天局不再重返月球超過 40年的單一原因。畢竟,自那以後實際上有12人走過它的表面。
Nevertheless, official NASA transcripts and blatant censorship of audio transmissions don't get any more ominous.
Over the past year, I discovered that there are many mysteries in which NASA and the moon share. I've already provided some evidence of NASA obscuring certain elements during the Apollo Missions (more below) - but were they already aware and prepared for spooky things being seen or heard on the moon before the Apollo missions were even launched?
在過去的一年中,我發現有很多謎,其中美國航天局和月亮共享。我已經提供一些在阿波羅登月計劃時美國宇航局模糊某些元素的證據(下文更多) - 但他們是否已經警覺並準備鬼怪的東西在月球上被看見或聽到,甚至在阿波羅登月任務發射之前?
Strange lights and objects have been recorded on our moon for hundreds of years. In 1787, legendary astronomer, Sir William Herschel, recorded strange lights traveling across the dark lunar surface. On one particular occasion of that same year, he spotted 3 red lights in the darkness of the lunar surface, describing the brightest one as being brighter than a recently discovered comet. He also believed there to be large "lunar cities" within the moon's craters and strongly believed in extraterrestrial life - something almost laughable during the 18th century.
幾百年來奇怪的光和物體都已被記錄在我們的月亮上。 在1787年,傳奇的天文學家威廉赫歇爾爵士,記錄奇怪光線橫渡黑暗的月球表面。同年在一個特別的時機,他發現 3盞紅燈在黑暗的月球表面,描述最光亮的一盞比最近發現的彗星更為光亮。他亦認為有大型的“月球城”在月球的隕石坑內,並強烈相信外星生命 - 那在18世紀幾乎是可笑的。 

The classical Greek philosopher, mathematician and scientist Plato also reported anomalous lights on the moon sometime around 400 BC. There is even a crater named after him which experiences high volumes of 'transient lunar phenomenon' - a term that NASA uses to describe these spooky lunar lights. Between the years of 1540 and 1967, over 570+ lights and flashes were recorded over the moon's face. While NASA and other lunar scientists attribute these moving and flashing lights to outgassing and impacts - few reports concerning these phenomena are ever published in peer reviewed scientific journals and are rarely ever discussed among the scientific community.
古典的希臘哲學家、數學家和科學家柏拉圖大約在公元前400年,亦報告了反常燈光在月球上。甚至有一個韻石坑以他命名,那經歷了高體積的'瞬時月球現象' - 一個術語美國宇航局用以形容這些月球鬼光。在 1540年和1967年間,超過 570次 + 燈光和閃光在月亮的面上被記錄。雖然美國航天局和其他月球科學家,認為這些移動和閃爍的光為除氣和撞擊 - 幾乎沒有有關這些現象曾經被發表在同行評審的科學期刊,和很少曾經在科學界被討論過。 
So could great historical minds like Sir William Herschel have been correct? Could it really be possible for a race of extraterrestrials to have been living on our moon for hundreds or thousands of years without public knowledge on Earth?
There are several official NASA photos taken throughout it's lunar expeditions which often depict some extremely large, artificial-looking, structures on the lunar surface. Some of these structures have been estimated to be several miles tall.
However, NASA has tried their best over the years to blur and obscure many of these structures. Often their attempts are extremely blatant.

So now we've got some evidence of moving luminous objects and large structures on the moon's surface, and furthermore, that NASA is trying very hard to hide and explain away these things. But what else can we look at? How about the moon's interior? If an extraterrestrial race is hiding on the moon, wouldn't the interior would be the safest and most reclusive spot to hide?

In 1962, NASA scientist Dr. Gordon McDonald stated in Astronautics magazine;

"...according to an analysis of the moon's motion, it appears that the moon is hollow: if the astronomical data are reduced, it is found that the data require that the interior of the moon is less dense than the outer parts. Indeed, it would seem that the moon is more like a hollow than a homogeneous sphere."

In a March 1970 article of Popular Science titled 'How APOLLO 13 Will Probe the Moon's Interior', former SS Nazi & director of NASA, Dr. Wernher von Braun wrote, concerning the crash of Apollo 12's 2.5 ton Lunar Module into the lunar surface;

"The astounding result of that crash: The moon rang like a bell for nearly and hour, indicating some strange and unearthly underground structure."

In that same article, published a month before Apollo 13's failed lunar landing, von Braun goes on to say;

"An Apollo 13 "spectacular" will be the meteor-like crash on the moon of the great Saturn V rocket's whole top stage and instrument unit, totaling more than 15 tons...

...This will be a dramatic scale-up of the Apollo 12 experiment."

Indeed it was. Despite technical malfunctions preventing the Apollo 13 crew from landing on the moon, they still managed to carry out the task of crashing the Saturn V third stage rocket (S-IV B) into it.

This time the moon rang out for over 3 hours!

Back at NASA headquarters in Houston, CAPCOM made this remark to the Apollo 13 astronauts after impact;

"Aquarius, we see the results now from 12's seismometer. Looks like your booster just hit the Moon, and it's rocking a little bit."

However more recently, based on new 'state-of-the-art' seismological analysis of the same Apollo-era data, NASA has concluded that the moon is not hollow - but rather has an 'Earth-like core' made up of mostly mantle with a solid inner core surrounded by a fluid outer core.

So why then, did it ring like a bell for over 3 hours!?

Many scientists opposed to the idea of a hollow moon argue that the lunar crust would have to be extremely dense in order to support the theory - based on the behavior of objects interacting with the moon's gravitational field.

This is something that makes sense - if you are thinking in context of the moon being a 100% natural body. One thing you have to take into account though, is that scientist to this day still have no solid claims as to where the moon actually came from.

Is it possible that it was once a natural celestial body that was hollowed out into various cavities with massive tunneling systems? Could that help to explain the highly anomalous mass concentrations of gravity (mascons) throughout the moon?

New evidence discovered in 2009, confirmed a network of underground tunnel systems, which would be ideal for human habitation. Arizona State University's lead researcher on the topic, Mark Robinson, had this to say;
"They could be entrances to a geologic wonderland... The tunnels offer a perfect radiation shield and a very benign thermal environment..."
In 2010, NASA released a series of images taken by their Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) which displayed the moon's topography in never before seen clarity and detail.
I can't help but notice how similar our moon looks in comparison to a metal-plated ball covered in dust that's been sprinkled with water. Not much variation of crater depth - as if something below the dusty surface is preventing much impact damage to the inner-exterior & interior.
我禁不住但注意到我們的月亮看來是如何類似,相比一鍍金的球被塵土覆蓋及灑了水。沒有太多變化的韻石坑深度 - 正如有些東西在灰塵表面的下面在防止大撞擊對內部室外及室內的破壞。
Does all of this truly indicate that the moon is a partially artificial object inhabited by an extraterrestrial civilization? I would once again like to point out that we haven't been back there in over 40 years.

Even after the Bush administration announced a return to the moon by 2020 (which could very well have just been a cover), many have criticized a return to the moon. It was only too soon before President Obama cancelled the entire project.

So where does this leave us?
It's becoming increasingly obvious that someone doesn't want us to know the whole truth. But why? What does NASA know about the moon that we don't? For starters, NASA knows, at the very least, that extraterrestrials are visiting Earth.
How do I know this? Because NASA astronauts told me so.
'via Blog this'

