As we are slowly approaching the long prophesized Golden Age, the Pleiadians have asked our core group team at Phoenix Group to start distributing their healing technologies to humanity. For this reason we have gathered the best Pleiadian technologies currently available on the planet and offered them through this website. We are in cooperation with Pyradyne, Dr. Fred Bell's company for advanced Pleiadian technologies. He himself was a Pleiadian contactee and has received the design for the Nuclear Receptor directly from Semjase, a wise Pleiadian woman. We are also in contact with an European inventor of Tachyon technology that he has received directly from the Pleiadians. We are actively searching for large scale distributors of our technologies. If interested, you can contact us directly at Phoenix Group email address for more information. In the future, when the time is right and it is safe to do so for everyone involved, we are also planning to offer free energy devices through this website.

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